- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: SARTG WW RTTY
- Hits: 2937
SARTG WW RTTY - Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group - Worldwide RTTY Contest
When: 3rd Full Weekend of August
Future date: 20-21th Aug 2022 ( 19-20th Aug 2023)
Three (3) separate periods:
0000 - 0800 UTC Saturday
1600 - 2400 UTC Saturday
0800 - 1600 UTC Sunday
Mode: RTTY ( 45 baud)
Bands: 3.5 - 28 MHz
- Single Operator All Band High
- Single Operator All Band Low
- Single Operator Single band - 80M - 40M - 20M - 15M - 10M
- Multi Operator
SINGLE-OP ALL entrants may also enter one single band entry of their choice.
DX spotting and alerting assistance is permitted in all classes.
Only one transmitted signal is allowed on air at the same time.
QSO: Same station can be worked once on each band.
QSO Points:
5 points per QSO with own country. 10 points per QSO with other countries in own continent. 15 points per QSO with other continents.
EXCHANGE: RST + QSO Number , starting from 001
-Each DXCC country on each band, including first contact with Australia, Canada, Japan and USA.
-Additionally, each call area in VK, VE, JA and W will count as one (1) multiplier on each band (W1, WA4, JA2, VK4).
NOTE: Stations operating from call areas other than their call ID, must use ’/x’ for their actual call area, i.e. K5DJ/1.
Sum of QSO points x sum of multipliers = TOTAL SCORE.
Sending of electronic logs:
Logs can be uploaded directly to web-interface or sent by e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. //This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Electronic log submissions:
The Cabrillo format is prefered but not mandatory. Please make sure that you fill in the Cabrillo header correctly and name the
file callsign.log. An additional and COMPLETELY separate single band of choice log for SINGLE-OP ALL entrants must show the same
information as above and be named with your callsign_band.log, i.e. sm7bhm_80.log.
Information on Cabrillo format for SARTG contest can be found here. Contest name is SARTG-RTTY.
Users of RTTY by WF1B should convert their files. A conversion program can be found here.
For non-Cabrillo entries only two files are required, callsign.all and callsign.sum. These logs must be in chronological order
and show: band, date/time (UTC), call sign, exchange message sent and received, multipliers and QSO points.
Please submit electronic logs as plain ASCII-files. Do not send Word, Excel or ADIF-files as they create extra work as they have
to manually be converted to ASCII-files before processing.
MULTI-ONE stations must include the call signs and names of all operators involved.
Log Robot:
Cabrillo logs can also be uploaded directly to web-interface. The robot checks the log and a claimed list is also avaible.
Paper log submissions:
The log must be in chronological order showing the same information as required for electronic ones. In addition, a written
summary sheet must be submitted. For logs of more than 100 QSOs also dupe sheet and multiplier sheet must be submitted.
Check logs:
Check logs are very much appreciated, they are used for cross checking of all entries.
Your comments will be very much appreciated.
Postal address for sending the log:
SARTG Contest Manager
Ewe Hakansson, SM7BHM
Pilspetsvagen 4
Awards to the top stations in each class if the number of QSOs is reasonable.